Data Dictionary
This document explains how to interpret enumerated values throughout WealthTech API responses.
Frequency Codes
Codes for various fields that describe periodic events:
Code | Description |
D | Daily |
W | Weekly |
M | Monthly |
Q | Quarterly |
Y | Yearly |
Transaction Categories Codes
The following are Source Transaction Category Codes, a brief description of the categorization, as well as the corresponding Source Transactions Classification Codes that can be found in each Category:
Code | Description |
trd | Trade This category includes following transaction types: - Buy to Open bto - Sell to Close stc - Buy to Close btc - Sell to Open sto - Dividend Reinvestment dvr |
inc | Income / Expense This category includes following transaction types: - Income inc - Expense exp - Dividend div - Interest Payment int - Management Fee mfe - Tax Fee tax |
xfr | Transfer This category includes following transaction types: - Cash Deposit dep - Cash Withdrawal wth - Security Deposit rec - Security Withdrawal del |
crp | Corporation Action This category includes following transaction types: - Split spl - Symbol Change chg |
oth | Other This category includes following transaction types: - Journal jnl - Other oth |
Transactions Codes
BridgeFT's appropriate classification codes for various source transactions scenarios:
Code | Description |
bto | Buy to Open |
stc | Sell to Close |
btc | Buy to Close |
sto | Sell to Open |
dvr | Dividend Reinvestment |
inc | Income |
exp | Expense |
div | Dividend |
int | Interest Payment |
mfe | Management Fee |
tax | Tax Fee |
dep | Cash Deposit |
wth | Cash Withdrawal |
rec | Security Deposit |
del | Security Withdrawal |
spl | Split |
chg | Symbol Change |
jnl | Journal |
oth | Other |
Billing Calculation Types
Different metrics for billing rates:
Type | Description |
R | Flat rate |
A | Flat account fee |
G | Flat group fee |
D | Drop through |
T | Tiered |
F | Favor |
Billing Collection Types
Different methods of billing collection:
Type | Description |
R | Arrears |
D | Advance only |
P | Advance with proration |
Billing Quarter Cycle Codes
Billing cycles and the respective months covered:
Code | Name |
1 | One |
2 | Two |
3 | Standard |
Account Types
We accept all account types from the custodians we're connected to and record them as-is. Below are examples and top 30 most common account types:
Type |
Roth IRA |
Rollover IRA |
Individual |
Trust |
Simple IRA |
Inherited IRA |
Traditional Beneficiary IRA |
Corporation |
401k |
403b |
Corporation |
Tax Exempt |
Community Property |
Limited Partnership |
Schwab One |
Individual 401K |
Limited Liability |
Security Benefit |
Contributory IRA |
Traditional IRA |
Estate |
Profit Sharing Plan |
Minor Roth IRA |
Education Savings Account |
Tenants by the Entirety |
Tenants In Common |
Nationwide Annuity IRA |
Nationwide IRA |
Updated about 1 year ago